Total Tyres and CEVA Dual Tenancy Distribution Centres

Client Hesperia Build Time 9 Months Location Kenwick, WA Contract Type Design and Construct

QDC were tasked with the design and construction of a dual tenancy distribution centre that is strategically positioned within the Roe Highway Logistics Park. This included the construction of two expansive warehouses of 25,000m² (combined), external operational, trafficable, and storage area of 9,543m², LV carpark of 2,150m², with external hard and soft scaping, and architecturally designed offices of 400m².

QDC’s expert team, along with the design consultants, subcontractors, and suppliers, have all teamed up to meet and surpass the challenges brought on by labour and material shortages as well as some extremely difficult ground conditions throughout last winter. The result is a fantastic new distribution centre that the happy tenants are already using to its full potential – all delivered ahead of schedule and incident free!