Coles RDCE Freezer Expansion

Client Charter Hall Build Time Current - 12 Months Location Perth Airport, WA Contract Type AS4902 - Design and Construct

The current project involves constructing a new freezer extension of approximately 10,500 square meters and converting the existing freezer into chilled produce facilities.

The existing freezer will be converted into chilled produce facilities by installing new walls to divide the space into 4-degree and 14-degree produce chambers, modifying the existing racking, demolishing, and removing existing racking, and adding new line marking.

The project also includes modifying the existing plant room and equipment, fit-out alterations to existing chiller staff amenities, and refurbishment of existing amenities near the QC meeting rooms and offices. Finally, the project includes installing two new recessed inbound docks and new recessed outbound docks in addition to new trailer restraints and associated equipment.